Dear Parents,
Do you often hear this familiar scenario?
A child craves candy, yet the parents, concerned about dental health, hesitate. The child insists, and if denied, bursts into tears, perhaps throwing themselves to the ground or refusing to move. Does this sound familiar?
This is, in fact, a profound matter to consider. How do we foster healthy development in our children? There is no simple answer.
If we give in and hand over the candy, some children—grateful for their treat—may savor it mindfully, feeling the sweetness of the moment and the love of their parents. In this case, it becomes more than just candy—it’s a symbol of joy and affection.
Yet, if the child eats the candy and demands more, resorting to tears and tantrums every time, the challenge for parents can become overwhelming.
But perhaps the issue is not merely about giving or not giving. Let’s shift our perspective—what does the candy mean to the child? Understanding their true emotions before making a decision may hold the key.
At times, when parents are unsure how to respond, they may delay or overlook the issue. Over time, the child may become disconnected from their needs—either constantly demanding or feeling indifferent. The root of this behavior often lies in how we respond to and nurture their emotions in the moment. If crying leads to success once, it will likely become their go-to strategy.
So, what’s the answer?
My sincere suggestion: listen with your heart to understand your child’s needs. Hear the voice that comes from within—not shaped by parental expectations or societal norms, but their true, unfiltered thoughts. When you can hear what truly resides in their heart, believe me, you will cultivate a home filled with harmony and warmth. Your child will flourish in joy and grow in love under your care.
You care deeply for your child—worrying about their teeth, reminding them to dress warmly when the weather changes, comforting them when they’re sad, and celebrating their joy with them.
We, too, strive to care with that same devotion. Our team is aware of areas where we can improve and approaches every one of your questions with humility and respect. Perhaps our answers may not always be perfect or align with your hopes, but please trust that every decision we make is rooted in our commitment to your child’s well-being. We strive to nurture their growth with unwavering love and care, every single day.
We sincerely invite you to feel the love that we pour into our work and to support the heartfelt decisions we make with your child’s growth at heart.
With deepest gratitude,
Lisa Hsu
P.S. Dear parents, imagine for a moment—if we were children, what would we do when we wanted candy? 不知道大家有沒有常常聽到這個話題: 小孩子要拿吃很多糖果,父母覺得吃太多糖對牙齒不好,小孩子一直要吃,不吃就哭。 哭了就賴在地上或倒在地上不走了。 這個有沒有耳熟能詳啊?
其實,這個真是門高深的學問啊。 到底怎麼做才會對孩子的發展更健全呢? 說實在的,很難定論。 如果說你把糖給小孩子了,父母隨小孩的意做了。 懂事的小朋友可能會珍惜這眼前的糖果,好好的吃這個糖果,倒也不是一件壞事。 因為帶給這小孩的當下,是幸福的糖果還有父母的關愛。 但如果, 小孩拿了糖吃了,吃了還要繼續吃,然後每次都遇到同樣的事情,得不到就一哭二鬧的話,父母有時候一個頭兩個大。
其實,不知道各位有沒有看到一個很微妙的發現。 其實,不在於用什麼方法,也許不是給亦或是不給。 我們換個角度看一下。 也許,了解一下這糖對小孩子的意義是什麼。針對小孩的真心的感受再來解決也不遲。
有時,我們家長不知道該怎麼面對或處理眼下的問題時,常常就擱置或忽略。 久而久之,小孩也對自己的需求越來越不清楚。 要嘛就一直要, 要嘛對食物沒有感覺。 還有其他的反應,其問題都在於我們做父母當下怎麼面對或照顧小孩的情緒。 如果小孩這次哭鬧成功,下次靠哭鬧成功拿到東西的機率肯定比原來的高。 那麼到底答案是什麼呢?
我衷心建議,用心感受小孩的需求,試著聆聽小孩的聲音,這個聲音,不是來自家長對小孩的期望,也不是社會的期許,而是他真正的心理的想法,如果,真的如果,你可以聽得到小孩的真正想法,相信我,這必定是個和諧温暖的家。 小孩一定會快樂,健康的在你們的呵護下成長的。
你好有一個如您們家長關愛孩子的心,一樣會擔心小朋友吃糖果會蛀牙,一樣會希望天氣轉變時多問候一句,一樣會在傷心難過的時候陪伴在孩子的身旁,一樣會在開心的時候陪著小孩享受美好的時光。 你好的所有同仁們都知道我們有很多要加强改善的地方,我們是以虔敬謙卑的心去看待您的每一個提問,也許我們回答得不夠完美,也許我們的回答不入您心。 請相信我們是以小孩美好成長為依歸,愛小孩的心去灌溉小朋友的每一天。 誠摯地邀請您感受我們愛小孩的心,也請您支持我們以孩子成長為出發點的心所做的每個誠懇真心的決定。 衷心的感恩!
P.S. 親愛的爸爸媽媽們,想像我們是baby。 我們想吃糖的時候,會怎麼做呢?